Our catalogue of services in the field of expert opinions, advice and other information
Our tax office and tax consulting company advises and assesses in the following areas.
Expert opinions and information
- tax burden comparisons
- Legal form comparisons from a tax point of view
- Individual initial tax advice
- Information on the current legal situation of certain tax matters
- Expert opinions for tax matters
Our tax consultants are also happy to advise you in English.
Online bookkeeping / digital voucher booking
We take over the complete, careful and on time handling of all accounting work, including advance VAT returns. In the course of digitisation, the DATEV software "Unternehmen online", which we use, offers uncomplicated methods for recording all receipts and for creating an online accounting system. In the case of self-bookers, we take over your data and import it into our system.
We are at your side with words and deeds
Simply contact us via our contact form or give us a call
Output and its equivalent should be in harmony within the scope of tax consultancy and management consultancy as well as consultancy for business start-ups. We will be happy to advise you.
The satisfaction of our clients is our top priority. Together we will examine your tax situation in an initial consultation and advise you individually on your tax issues. Contact us via our initial consultation form.